Walk Forward Optimization & Scikit-Learn

After looking over Scikit-Learns documention, I realized that there wasn’t a cross validation iterator for walk forward optimization.

Author's profile picture JPN on scikit-learn and machine-learning

What is the best-kept secret in quantitative finance?

This is an excercpt from Paul Wilmott’s Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance:

Author's profile picture JPN on quant_finance

Estimating Beta: Log or % Returns?

Almost all calculations in finance involve using log returns rather than % returns. There are a number of reasons why log returns are preferred. Estimating beta doesn’t seem like a special case.

Author's profile picture JPN on beta

Juking the Stats

It’s extremely difficult to present an honest backtest because it’s close to impossible to distinguish one from an overfitted one … not unless the audience knows how to ask the right questions.

Author's profile picture JPN on backtest and overfitting

Kalman Filters

I’ve spent the past week learning all I can about Kalman filters. The best description I found was:

Author's profile picture JPN on kalman, statistics, and python

The Bulls

Several months ago, I saw this mural in Wynwood.
This is what a good portfolio looks like.

Author's profile picture JPN on photography

Hello, World!


This is my new blog.

Author's profile picture JPN on news